Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine’s Day Special - - Brett Briley 10th grade

I hate Valentines day. It’s a day where the good looking get what they want, and everyone else gets nothing. The day where jocks go out and celebrate with their girls, and everyone else sits back in the shadows and watch them. And the day where my spirit was put down.
My name’s Jimmy. I’m not very popular here at Northtown High. Just about everything here revolves around the football team and their big-headed quarterback Fred. Fred and I, we can’t stand each other. One day in 3rd grade I accidentally spilled glue on Fred’s chair and he sat on it. After school he waited for me at the park and threw me on the ground and kicked me. Ever since we’ve been doing things to break each other. This mostly turns out in Fred’s favor, and today was no exception. The girl that I’ve dreamed of since 1st grade, Emily, accepted Fred’s invitation of going on a date with him. Now let me tell you a little about Emily. Emily is very hot. She was voted most prettiest girl the last 4 years. She has brown hair and blue eyes that sparkle more than all the water in the world. She’s about mid-sized and plays a great amount of sports. She’s caption of the volleyball team and the cheerleading squad. Besides sports she’s involved with student council, the French club, and money manager for the concession stands. Emily is a really great girl.
The thing that really makes me mad about this situation is that Emily doesn’t even like Fred. She’s always telling me about how she wished Fred would just grow up and act a little more mature, like me. That was a great day. Not only did I finally have a chance to sit down and talk to Emily, I also got a few hugs out of it too! If only every day was like that day. So after school I decided to wait at Emily’s locker for her to see if she wanted to do something. When Emily saw me down the hallway, she smiled and gave me a hand gesture to wait a few minutes. She told each and everyone of her friends goodbye and gave them all hugs before walking over to me. She came up to me and gave me a nice, big hug. She then asked, “What’re you still doing here?” In a shy tender voice I replied, “I wanted to ask you if maybe you wanted to go out and do something tonight.” Emily had to think about it for a moment. She finally whispered, “ Sorry Jimmy, but Fred already asked me.”
Just at that moment big badass Fred walks over and pushed me into the locker next to Emily’s. I stayed on the floor in pain. Fred wasn’t just the quarterback he was a wrestler too. Emily started freaking out, screaming at Fred to leave me alone. Fred just kept kicking me no matter how many times Emily told him to stop. After a few minutes Fred finally let me up. My nose was busted my arm stung, and my clothes were ruined. At this point I was tired of Fred and his bullshit. I turned around and socked him right in the face with my fist. Fred stared at me in shock before he tumbled onto the floor, going into a few hour sleep. I knew that I was going to be in trouble, because nobody ever believed me. But at the end of the day, it didn’t matter to me. I was Emily’s new hero.

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