Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Truth Hurts

I hated everything! Nothing was going the way I planned. First, the boy of my dreams, Alexander, wasn’t paying any attention to me. He ignored me and one day he told me something that filled me with anger and disappointment.
It all started the first day of school, when I spotted a new kid in my biology class. He was tall, athletic, with really pretty blue eyes and the best part was his perfect tan. As Ms. Johnson assigned lab partners, I crossed my fingers hoping that Alexander would be mine. I couldn’t stop smiling when she said “Cristina P. and Alexander O.” My heart started to beat faster and faster, I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world. I was very nervous but I managed to welcome him to the school and to introduce myself. He did the same with a quiet and shy voice. By the end of the day we had become very good friends, so I invited him to go to the mall with me and my friends. Alexander agreed and we went to meet Molly, Katie, and Annie at the mall.
When we got there I introduced him with all my friends and they seemed to get along really good. After a while, my friends, Alexander, and me hanged out a lot until one day I decided to tell him what felt for him. With my voice cracking I told him that I liked him but he told me that he liked my best friend Annie.

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