Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Day I Met John

One sunny day at Logan Park the birds were chirping, the trees were calm and the grass was swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the wind. John’s mother had passed away but she was a millionaire and now all that fortune went to him. He was also secretly dating Megan Fox. He decided to disturb the peace and race by the park with his friends.
He was going 60 mph and he’s passing by the park when Clarissa, a young 22 year old woman gets in his way. There’s no way John could have stopped so he swerves around her. As he’s swerving he panics and lands in the lake that was right by the park. Meanwhile Clarissa lost all of her color because she thought the car was going to hit her. As she watched the car that almost took her life, sink into the lake she runs towards it to try to save the driver. The driver was conscious and he managed to take out his seat belt but he panicked because he felt the car sinking. Clarissa came just in time and took him out of the car. As she helped him to the ground all he could do was think about his precious car and how he almost lost it. So he pushed Clarissa away from him, with tears filling up his eyes he started yelling at her. “How could you have just popped out of nowhere?” he yelled. “I could have died” he said. So Clarissa simply took a deep breath, held her head high and asked him to calm down. “You should be thankful I came here and saved your life while you almost took mine away” she replied. “My precious car!” yelled John. “You stupid materialistic boy” Clarissa yelled. “Your car is now in the lake along with the soul of the woman’s body they found in there five years ago.” John said nothing and walked towards the park with tears streaming down his cheeks.
The clouds no longer seemed to smile at him and the sun didn’t shine as it had before. His eyes blurred by the tears, he sat on the grass and started humming to the song his mother used to sing to him. Clarissa simply followed him; she sat right next to him and asked if he was alright. He just nodded but didn’t turn to look at her. He simply starred off into space. “You can just get a different car, please don’t be upset over that” said Clarissa. John took a deep breath and seconds later he said what had been his worst memory. “ mother, she uhh…she was the woman that was found in the lake.” His voice broke as he said lake. Clarissa simple put her head down and felt so ashamed. The tears continued to scroll down his face. Clarissa didn’t know what to do, she had only seen one other man cry before, her father and that was because her older brother Jack had got into a motorcycle accident and passed away. But now she has a stranger, tall handsome guy break down in front of her. How was she supposed to handle all this? All she could say was “I’m sorry”. She gave him a hug and told him that everything was going to be ok. She apologized than twenty times. Finally John stood up, fixed his shirt, wiped away. He turned back once to look at Clarissa; he gave her a soft smile and walked towards the city. Clarissa simply thought of the events that happened that day. She looked up at the sky and smiled.
She smiled because she had life, she smiled because if someone who had lost their mother could smile than so could she but mostly she smiled because she knew that somewhere up in the sky her brother Jack and John’s mother were looking down at her and smiling right back.

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