Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sometimes, its not always the best thing… (anonymous)grade 10

My breath burned in my chest, and I was running out of strength. There was no doubt about it: they were getting closer. The trees at night looked spooky—like lost people out to get you. As I ran across the bridge, it creaked so loud that I thought it fell. Unfortunately, it didn’t. They were still out to get me, this time coming on harder. They sky was murky—and just as I thought that, I felt a raindrop on my hand. Another thing to add to all the marvelous things that could possibly go wrong. The bushes were too thick, and I ran across them without thinking. I stumbled, but thankfully didn’t fall. The rain was coming down harder. I didn’t even know what direction I was going anymore. Right? Left? North? South? I hurriedly ran to a large tree and hid behind it. No one finding me here. I took a couple of seconds to catch my breath. The footsteps seemed to be going the opposite direction this time. Close call. Should really know what I’m getting myself into before I go on a wild speed chase that could’ve cost me my life. And how exhausting…Enough to make someone ravenous, for just about anything. That should be the last thing on my mind. First priority: survival. That was the last thing I remember thinking before a cool darkness overwhelmed me.
The room that I woke up to was unbearably clean. There was a big machine with many numbers that I would gladly have liked to push, if there wasn’t chained down. To add to that, there was hooks all over me. I’d become some kind of freak experiment. All because of what I saw and what I shouldn’t have seen. And not human was supposed to know. After I crashed, the lucky people who had been hunting me down must’ve found the pathetic lump that decided that falling asleep was okay, and came back and took me away. And not to a good place, you might be thinking. I was of course in a deep sleep, because the jungle is the last thing I remember. But I wonder if…they took the treasure. How clever they are, no one was supposed to know about that. It was supposed to be hidden until the entire human race started to depend on it. All of this was in my pocket, and was given to the clumsiest one of us. Wait until everyone else heard about this…if I ever saw anyone again.
Two stout, green monsters came in hours later. They stood their distance, observing me. They had antennas, four eyes, and 10 fingers that moved rapidly on a clipboard—type device. They exchanged words in a language that I obviously couldn’t comprehend, and then they brought in someone that looked slightly human.
He began to shout at me, demanding where the others where the others were. I shouted back that I didn’t even know what he was taking about. He realized what he was doing and decided to calm down. Now, in a slightly nicer tone, he asked where the rest of the treasure was. I told him that while I was being kept hostage, I would say nothing. He still kept his cool and asked again. I replied the same. Furious, he unhooked me from the life—sucking machine. Before I could open my mouth to negotiate, glass from behind me shattered.
Being a pessimist, I thought it was more alien-like reinforcements out to get to me. Luckily, it was exactly who I needed-my team. In lightning speed, our spacecraft snatched away the precious treasure and we zoomed off away, into the sky.

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