Saturday, February 20, 2010

Options-- By: Damien Mobley Jr, 9th Grade

I was running out of options. My breath burned in my chest, and my strength was running low. There was no doubt about it, they were gaining on me, and my fuel was draining on me. I could hear the dogs barking and grown men yelling like a hungry pack of wild dogs themselves. As I looked back I could see flashlight beams desperately searching through the woods. With my feet, all the way up to my hips aching, I thought about stopping and hiding, and taking my chances of the dogs picking up my scent, or climbing a tree, but with my fuel so low and legs so exhausted there was know time for that. So in the mist of running and thinking at the same time, the noises stopped. No more barking or yelling. I looked back to see if the were any signs of flashlight... None! While looking back and running I thought to myself “I’m free!” As I turned back to look at where I was going, I was hit square in the nose with a Shotgun Butt. “Take ‘em away boys!” was all I heard.

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