Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mini Scenario: URBAN -- By Stephanie Pomeroy, 10th Grade

My breath burned in my chest, and I was running out of strength. There was no doubt about it: they were getting closer. I can’t take this constant running anymore. The paparazzi are always doing this to me. There are so many of them, and only one of me. I have to hide somewhere, I need to stop running. As I run around a corner I notice a dumpster. Maybe if I duck behind it, they won’t see me.
As I dart behind the dumpster, I squat low to the ground, hugging my knees trying not to make a sound. The city lights and the urban noises surrounded me, but somehow it seems so dark, and quiet. I feel my heart slow and my chest isn’t going a million miles an hour. I peek out to see if it’s clear, I see no one there. I stand up cautiously, I tiptoe around the dumpster, I step foot on the sidewalk, and just as I start to walk away, my endless journey starts all over again.

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