Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stairway to a new me. Taylor Steeves. Grade 9


The person leading the race was only 50 yards from leading our last lap. My Nike track shoes are scraping the pavement like skates on a fresh sheet of ice. I’m gliding but slowly loosing my pace with every other step I take. All I’m thinking is no one can stop me now, my strength is still weakening but I can feel my feet pick up around the first corner, this is where my lungs start working 10 times as hard as they did when I started the race. It doesn’t matter where you are until almost a minute from now. I can feel the muscle growing in my legs. My arms are swaying back and forth with the wind blowing in my face. With my every breath I can feel it go deep into my lungs and right back out. I’ve never been so strong in my life, for this is my moment to shine. The leader and I are head to head 20 yards from the finish line. My stomach is quenching and I know I’m going to loose if I don’t give this my all. I stride across the finish line and here the announcer “WE HAVE A WINNER!” Taylor steeves please come to the office to claim your ribbon. I’m totally ecstatic. I nearly faint climbing the steps of following my dreams.

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